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What WebPT Customers Are Saying

"PredictionHealth's platform is the most significant thing that has happened in Physical Therapy in the last 20 years. This will change the industry for the better. It'll be integral to our business operations into the future. If you're not using PT Practice Intel, you're missing out." - Bob Bacci of Therahand Physical Therapy
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How It Works

Headshot of Pedro Teixiera, MD, PhD, Co-founder and CEO of PredictionHealth

"The whole PredictionHealth Team is thrilled about our partnership with WebPT! We're dedicated to helping rehab therapists across the US to improve reimbursement, mitigate compliance risk, and maximize efficiency with AI tools built specifically for the rehab therapy industry! You all work to take the best possible care of your patients and we're thrilled to support you and make your lives easier!"

Pedro Teixeira, MD, PhD

Co-founder and CEO of PredictionHealth

Andrea F - WebPT

"Despite technological advances, rehab therapy practices of all sizes still struggle to conduct reliable internal audits, manage adequate reviews, optimize coding and capture revenue opportunities. By pairing up with PredictionHealth, all this will change for our members. Those who sign up can save their staff hours of auditing work every month, get access to personalized, automated feedback, get more comprehensive auditing and insight into compliance risks, and see up to a 5-10X ROI thanks to reimbursements and greater efficiency. This is the missing piece of the puzzle for modern practices that want to spend less time navigating compliance and more time on patient care."

Andrea Facini

President of go-to-market at WebPT