When the COVID-19 pandemic came to the US in 2020 PredictionHealth was operating from a physical base in Nashville, Tennessee. Now, a year later, the company is fully remote, with employees all over the US… and one delightful accordion-playing engineer in Ireland.

We’re very fortunate to have been able to shift to remote work so easily, and now we’re reflecting on some of the benefits. We’ve asked our teammates to share the biggest upsides. In no particular order, our team’s top ten reasons to ❤️ remote work.

         Do we even need to say it? No commute! 
  • Well, if you’d like to commute 🚗 to your favorite coffee shop or other work space for the day, that’s totally cool. But most of us don’t feel like we’re missing out on the traffic.

         Extra expenses are out, comfort is in
  • While it’s great not filling up on gas all the time there are also other unexpected savings, like not having to think about work attire.👖 
  • Making your own coffee ☕️ at home is way less expensive than going to the coffee shop, too.

         Life and work can co-exist and even thrive
  • “I can throw in a load of laundry during a quick break, and then get it to the dryer at the next break. Then all I have to do is fold which I like to save for night or weekends anyway. It’s the little things!”
  • 🚀 Productivity has gone way up since I started working from home. “When I’m concentrating at my desk with no distractions I can get so much done. Some people think being at home would make you more lazy, but I see the opposite.”

         Connecting with others around the US and the world
  • When events happen around the country, we immediately think about our colleagues or our customers in those areas. For instance, the winter storms of 2021 really affected our teammates and physicians in Texas. Working with people from all over makes you more conscious of what people are experiencing.
  • We’re really good about time zones 🌎. Working with people from all over, you get good about calculating time on the fly (and when to/when not to bother people).

         Better eating habits
  • “I’m much more likely to eat a healthy lunch 🥗 at home (and keep my house stocked with healthy things since I’m there non-stop).” Also, getting food out isn’t as much of an option, so that keeps meal spending down. 
  • “I like having enough time to cook a fun dinner after work. Not that I often have enough energy, but it's nice to have the option.”

         More opportunities to exercise
  • “I like using the extra time saved from not commuting to exercise instead... even if it's just a hypothetical exercise and doesn't actually happen.”
  • “I really enjoy going for a quick walk when the weather’s nice or squeezing in 10 min of yoga in the living room. And, bonus: you don’t have to shower before going back to work because no one cares.”

    Location flexibility
  • It’s really wonderful to have a career no matter where I choose to live. I can travel across the country and don’t have to worry about finding a new job.
  • Work from the beach! 🏖

    Creative work tools make life easier
  • Video meetings make it easy to get people together –it’s simple to create a video chat, and even if it’s just 15 min, no one has to move farther than their chair to get there!
  • Work can happen asynchronously with tools like Clubhouse (the productivity work app, not the audio chat app), Github, Slack, and more. People can get work done outside of the constraint of a 9-5 time limit.

    Hiring the best
  • We can hire from across the country! Our team is wonderfully diverse in lots of ways. Speaking of, you can check out our available careers here.

    Being closer to our people 🥰
  • Sometimes your spouse gets a job in a new city, or you grow to miss your childhood friends. Remote work makes it so much easier to be close to friends and family.
  • Even though we’re working hard, I’ve appreciated the chance to see my family throughout the course of the day.
  • I’ve been able to enjoy snow days with my kids. I can’t be out there with them all day, but I can still watch from my office window, take breaks to play, and fix them hot chocolate when they come in.

Get in touch with us to learn more about PredictionHealth. We’d love to hear from you.

Topics: Company Culture

PredictionHealth Team

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